Thank you note tips
Thank you notes can seem like a big mountain to climb after the hubbub of the wedding has died down and you have returned from a relaxing honeymoon. Especially for a big wedding, the thank yous can be time consuming. Here’s how to make the process efficient and less overwhelming.
• Use a photo from the wedding as the artwork on your thank you card.
• Write down who gave you what as you open gifts and cards. Make a running note in your phone of who gave you what starting with the first card that comes in the mail. It is much less stressful to write your way through a list, checking people off as you go than to try to remember later.
• Pre-address envelopes. Either have the addresses printed out as stickers ahead of time, or if you are planning on handwriting, address an envelope for each guest who has RSVPed when you have downtime before the wedding.
• Don’t overwrite. Burn out happens quickly when each thank you note is paragraphs long. Follow our simple thank-you note format for short, but personal thank you notes.
Tried and true thank you note format
Dear ____
Thank you for the _____. We so appreciate it and look forward to doing _____ with it. We are so happy you could share our special day with us.
Thank you again.
With love,
Both spouses sign