Writing your vows


It can be difficult to know where to start when writing vows. How do you begin to put into words all your love and gratitude for your fiancé? Well, this guide should help. First, ask yourself questions, and you may find vows in your answers. Here are some to get you started:

1. How did you meet?

2. When did you know you were falling in love?

3. Why did you say yes? Or why did you pop

the question?

4. What do you love about your fiancé?

5. How do you feel when you are together?

6. What have you overcome together?

7. How would you describe the perfect marriage?

8. What promises can you make to one another?

9. What are you most looking forward to about

being married?

When it comes to writing your vows, no formal structure can take the place of a genuine, but organized outpouring of emotion. Think of your vows as a story, with a beginning, middle and end.

Try looping back to the beginning as you conclude. For example, if you begin with how you fell in love after you went to the pound together and rescued your French bulldog, Bowser, try looping back to a related anecdote at the end. Promise to be there for all the future puppy rescues. Pick a theme or a story to keep coming back to throughout your vows. This will keep you on track and make your vows feel more focused.

End on a promise, a vow, a guarantee that means something to both you and your betrothed.

What is your tone when you talk to your partner? Are you goofy or serious? Sweet or direct? Make sure the tone of your vows matches the tone of your relationship. There is nothing wrong with funny vows, and nothing wrong with serious ones. Just remember, vows are a conversation between you and the person you are marrying. They don’t need to satisfy anyone else’s idea of what vows should sound like.